Algorithmic trading and expert advisors: their advantages and disadvantages
We live in an era when computers help us perform many tasks. Many aspects of our daily lives are related to the use of technology, and this also applies to trading. In this article, we will consider what algorithmic trading is, and also talk about expert advisors. What is algorithmic trading? It all started with the invention of computers in the 20th century, first programmed to aid in mathematical calculations. Since then, information technology has developed rapidly, computers have become more powerful, complex and fast. Then the internet arose. It did not take banks, institutions, or people much time to understand how technologies can be useful in making a lot of money. The first algorithmic systems were charting and trading software that helped facilitate price studies and order execution. In the end, they turned into full-fledged trading platforms that facilitate the work of the trader. What is algorithmic trading like? Let's first determine the automation of trade...